
To contact us about products, orders, or just questions about Fuzzy Greetingz, you may email us at or contact Tina Hodge at (352) 620-5053. That is her cell phone, for those of you like me who like to know : ), and it is an AT&T number. We will post some of the questions, comments, and/or suggestions (anonymously) on the site, just in case someone else might have had the same. If you do not wish it to be on there for any reason, let us know, and we will make a note of it with your name, number, and/or email (depending on how you contact us) If you are finding it hard to contact us, we are very sorry and will get to you as soon as possible; something might have come up. Try emailing us first, and if we do not get to you within a day or two, call Tina. If it is urgent call her instead of  emailing us first. If she does not answer, just leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as she wakes up or gets off from work. Keep in mind, we are on Central Standard Time (cst).

Tina Hodge Jesy-Stokes | Create Your Badge

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If you are a community person, you can contact us on Facebook: Fuzzy Greetingz, on Twitter: fuzzy_greetingz, or on MySpace: Fuzzy Greetingz.

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Fuzzy Greetingz East Prairie, MO
Tina Hodge
(352) 620-5053
AT&T cell phone